Dr. Delores V. Mullings Work's

Keynotes and Invited Presentations

Here is an updated list of Dr. Delores Mullings' presentations, including roles as keynote, panel, and invited speaker.

Keynotes and Invited Presentations

  1. Mullings, D.V. (2023). Keynote address. When Times Change: Move Ahead of Time. Sept. 25, 2023. YWCA St. John’s Circle of Distinction. Signal Hill Campus, Memorial University.
  2. Mullings, D.V. (2023). Invited Presenter. The Growth in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism at Memorial University. June 27, 2023. Geo Centre. Memorial University.
  3. Mullings, D.V. (2023). Keynote. Applying a Critical Race Theory Approach to Legal Practice. June 16, 2023. Lake Head University, Bora Laskin School of Law.

Invited Presentations

  1. Mullings, D.V. (2023). E(Racing) the Master’s Tools: Afrincetric Social Work by and for People of African Descent. March 9, 2023. University of Toronto, Faculty of Social.
  2. Mullings, D.V. (2023). Performative Anti-Racism Agendas: Using ‘Disposable’ Bodies to Prop up White Supremacy. March 3, 2023. Waterloo University via Zoom.
  3. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Unleashing Resilience: A viable response to racist Institutional violence and brutality. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Government of Ontario November 16, 2022. Memorial University.
  4. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Invited Presenter. Equity Diversity Inclusion and Anti-Racism at Memorial University. SHADD. July 8, 2022. Memorial University.
  5. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Invited Presenter. Second Annual George Floyd Memorial. May 25, via Zoom.
  6. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Keynote Address. Colonial Shackles are Breakable: Decolonize That! May 17, 2022. Humber College Part-Time Faculty Conference via Microsoft Teams.
  7. Mullings, D.V., Adelakun, O & Clarke, J. (2022). Panel Presenter. Black Mothers and Families Strained Resilience: Surpassing all Expectations Despite Ongoing Systemic Violence Pre and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pandemic: Possibilities and Challenges for Mothers and Families conference. via https://learningfromthepandemic.vfairs.com/en/hall#
  8. Mullings, D.V. & Adelakun (2022). Panel Presenter. Concluding Remarks – It cannot be Business as Usual. Pandemic: Possibilities and Challenges for Mothers and Families conference. via https://learningfromthepandemic.vfairs.com/en/hall#
  9. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Keynote Address. Teaching and Learning Transformation: The Dangers of Pivoting without Critical Thought and Actions. Memorial University. May 5, 2022 Via WebEx.
  10. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Challenges and Opportunities for Africentric Social Work Practice. February 17, 2022. Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. Halifax, NS. Via Zoom.
  11. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Black and Health in Canada. The Harriet Tubman Institute. February 10, 2022. York University, Toronto, ON. Via Zoom.
  12. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Talking Black, Talking Back: ACB Communities and Africentric Social Work. February 9, 2022. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Via Zoom.
  13. Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Citizenship is not One-Dimensional. Citizenship and Immigration Enhanced Ceremony. January 19 via Zoom.
  14. Mullings, D. V. (2021). Panel Presenter. Connecting niceness to anti-Blackness: Living authentically in spite the absence of policy. A Virtual Black Policy Conference on Friday and Saturday October 15-16, 2021. Halifax, NS. Via Zoom.
  15. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. Association of Black Social Workers Book Launch: Africentric Social Work. July 16, 2021. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. Via Zoom.
  16. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Keynote Address. Disrupting white imposters and their claim of white fragility: Naming it white violence and trauma! May 14, 2021. Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. Halifax, NS. Via Zoom.
  17. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. The Black Policy Agenda – Atlantic Canada’s Black Policy Conference.
  18. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Invited Presenter. Centering Blackness in Social Work: Challenging Silence, Erasure and Stereotypes. February 26, 2021. McGill University. Montreal, QC. Via Zoom.
  19. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Keynote Address. Exploring the tensions between the anti-black racism statement and the rejection of the authentic black body. Memorial University School of Social Work. St. John’s, NL. Via WebEx.
  20. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. The Power of Black Canadian Elders. Concordia University. Montreal, QC. Via Zoom.
  21. Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. Celebrating Black Excellence in Canada: Shattering Stereotypes Through Resilience and Vision. Ontario Public Service. St. Peterborough, ON. Via Zoom.
  22. Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Inclusive teaching, learning and curricula. University of Toronto National Dialogues. Scarborough, ON. Via Zoom.
  23. Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Population growth and retention in Newfoundland and Labrador. Progressive Party of Newfoundland and Labrador Annual General Meeting. St. John’s, NL. Via Zoom.
  24. Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Whose voice matters in the anti-Black racism discussion? The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District. St. John’s, NL. Via Zoom.
  25. Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Is resistance futile? Navigating anti-Black racism in the Canadian political process. Nexus Centre, Speaker Series. Memorial University, St. John’s. NL.
  26. Mullings, D.V. (2019). Panel Presenter. On being included: Transforming the municipal sector. Women’s Leadership Summit, Municipalities NL. St. John’s, NL.
  27. Mullings, D.V. (2019). Paper Presentation. Anti-Black racism and xenophobia: Taking charge of our own mental health business. York Woods Auditorium, Toronto: ON.

Keynotes and Invited Presentations