Dr. Delores V. Mullings Work's
Keynotes and Invited Presentations
Here is an updated list of Dr. Delores Mullings' presentations, including roles as keynote, panel, and invited speaker.
Keynotes and Invited Presentations
- Mullings, D.V. (2023). Keynote address. When Times Change: Move Ahead of Time. Sept. 25, 2023. YWCA St. John’s Circle of Distinction. Signal Hill Campus, Memorial University.
- Mullings, D.V. (2023). Invited Presenter. The Growth in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism at Memorial University. June 27, 2023. Geo Centre. Memorial University.
- Mullings, D.V. (2023). Keynote. Applying a Critical Race Theory Approach to Legal Practice. June 16, 2023. Lake Head University, Bora Laskin School of Law.
Invited Presentations
- Mullings, D.V. (2023). E(Racing) the Master’s Tools: Afrincetric Social Work by and for People of African Descent. March 9, 2023. University of Toronto, Faculty of Social.
- Mullings, D.V. (2023). Performative Anti-Racism Agendas: Using ‘Disposable’ Bodies to Prop up White Supremacy. March 3, 2023. Waterloo University via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Unleashing Resilience: A viable response to racist Institutional violence and brutality. Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Government of Ontario November 16, 2022. Memorial University.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Invited Presenter. Equity Diversity Inclusion and Anti-Racism at Memorial University. SHADD. July 8, 2022. Memorial University.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Invited Presenter. Second Annual George Floyd Memorial. May 25, via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Keynote Address. Colonial Shackles are Breakable: Decolonize That! May 17, 2022. Humber College Part-Time Faculty Conference via Microsoft Teams.
- Mullings, D.V., Adelakun, O & Clarke, J. (2022). Panel Presenter. Black Mothers and Families Strained Resilience: Surpassing all Expectations Despite Ongoing Systemic Violence Pre and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pandemic: Possibilities and Challenges for Mothers and Families conference. via https://learningfromthepandemic.vfairs.com/en/hall#
- Mullings, D.V. & Adelakun (2022). Panel Presenter. Concluding Remarks – It cannot be Business as Usual. Pandemic: Possibilities and Challenges for Mothers and Families conference. via https://learningfromthepandemic.vfairs.com/en/hall#
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Keynote Address. Teaching and Learning Transformation: The Dangers of Pivoting without Critical Thought and Actions. Memorial University. May 5, 2022 Via WebEx.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Challenges and Opportunities for Africentric Social Work Practice. February 17, 2022. Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. Halifax, NS. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Black and Health in Canada. The Harriet Tubman Institute. February 10, 2022. York University, Toronto, ON. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Talking Black, Talking Back: ACB Communities and Africentric Social Work. February 9, 2022. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2022). Panel Presenter. Citizenship is not One-Dimensional. Citizenship and Immigration Enhanced Ceremony. January 19 via Zoom.
- Mullings, D. V. (2021). Panel Presenter. Connecting niceness to anti-Blackness: Living authentically in spite the absence of policy. A Virtual Black Policy Conference on Friday and Saturday October 15-16, 2021. Halifax, NS. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. Association of Black Social Workers Book Launch: Africentric Social Work. July 16, 2021. University of Toronto, Toronto, ON. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Keynote Address. Disrupting white imposters and their claim of white fragility: Naming it white violence and trauma! May 14, 2021. Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. Halifax, NS. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. The Black Policy Agenda – Atlantic Canada’s Black Policy Conference.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Invited Presenter. Centering Blackness in Social Work: Challenging Silence, Erasure and Stereotypes. February 26, 2021. McGill University. Montreal, QC. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Keynote Address. Exploring the tensions between the anti-black racism statement and the rejection of the authentic black body. Memorial University School of Social Work. St. John’s, NL. Via WebEx.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. The Power of Black Canadian Elders. Concordia University. Montreal, QC. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2021). Panel Presenter. Celebrating Black Excellence in Canada: Shattering Stereotypes Through Resilience and Vision. Ontario Public Service. St. Peterborough, ON. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Inclusive teaching, learning and curricula. University of Toronto National Dialogues. Scarborough, ON. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Population growth and retention in Newfoundland and Labrador. Progressive Party of Newfoundland and Labrador Annual General Meeting. St. John’s, NL. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Whose voice matters in the anti-Black racism discussion? The Newfoundland and Labrador English School District. St. John’s, NL. Via Zoom.
- Mullings, D.V. (2020). Panel Presenter. Is resistance futile? Navigating anti-Black racism in the Canadian political process. Nexus Centre, Speaker Series. Memorial University, St. John’s. NL.
- Mullings, D.V. (2019). Panel Presenter. On being included: Transforming the municipal sector. Women’s Leadership Summit, Municipalities NL. St. John’s, NL.
- Mullings, D.V. (2019). Paper Presentation. Anti-Black racism and xenophobia: Taking charge of our own mental health business. York Woods Auditorium, Toronto: ON.